• Question: did you have to do science sats at school? I did

    Asked by Ellaphire to Angus, Jenni, Melissa on 23 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Jenni Rodd

      Jenni Rodd answered on 23 Jun 2016:

      I went to school a VERY long time ago. And in a different country (South Africa). So things were very different.
      We didn’t have SATS, but when I was in primary school we did have end of year tests in each subject. Including Science. And those children who failed the exams would be kept back and have to do the whole school year again with younger children. So people could stay in primary school until they were able to pass their exams! It was a brutal system and I’m really glad that it doesn’t happen that way any more. I think it is really important that children stay with other children their own age right through school and that the teachers are expected to teach to all children in that class, regardless of how easy or difficulty they find a particular subject.

    • Photo: Melissa Ladyman

      Melissa Ladyman answered on 23 Jun 2016:

      Yes, I had to do SATS in Year 6 but when I went to school it was okay to go on holiday during term time and my parents had taken me to Disney World in Florida. I had to take my SATS in the head teachers office when I got back! I don’t know what marks I got, it didn’t affect me when I went to secondary school.

      We also did SATS in year 9 of secondary school. I didn’t miss those ones! My teachers said that I would be lucky to get a 5 in Science and a 6 in English and Maths. Well, I was not happy with that so I worked really, really hard and got a 7 in all three subjects. I liked proving everyone wrong!

    • Photo: Angus Cook

      Angus Cook answered on 24 Jun 2016:

      Yes, I took my SATs in Year 6 in 2001 (I think…).

      I didn’t do great in the English SAT, but did ok in Maths and Science. I can’t remember the grading now I’m afraid though…
