• Question: Do you enjoy your job?

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      Asked by CocoPops?? to Angus, Catherine, Jenni, Melissa, Waqar on 12 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by 525merf48, LTSMASH241, Krissy, 879merf43, jayden_motorcross72, dr coconut204.
      • Photo: Angus Cook

        Angus Cook answered on 12 Jun 2016:

        (How did you get a biscuit into your name?!? I didn’t get that option!)

        Yes, I do 🙂 It’s not really a job at the moment though (studying for a PhD is a bit more relaxed than a job, in some aspects), so I have a lot of freedom with my day and my schedule. Luckily the things that I like doing are also usually the things that you need to do to to get a PhD.

        The bit I love is figuring out what are the things that we don’t know yet, and then figuring out how to go about finding the answer.

        The bits that get bored with are usually admin or paperwork. It’s also really important to read about what other people are researching and what new answers they are finding. That’s also a bit that I find difficult (but it’s really important to do!)

      • Photo: Jenni Rodd

        Jenni Rodd answered on 13 Jun 2016:

        Great question. I love the science. I love designing experiments and then looking at the results. And I REALLY love teaching my students how to become good scientists. But of course every job has its boring bits. If I could do science all day every day then it would be perfect! Most of the boring bits involve filling in forms. I have no idea how we end up with so many forms to fill in 🙂

      • Photo: Waqar Ahmed

        Waqar Ahmed answered on 13 Jun 2016:

        YES! 🙂

      • Photo: Catherine Ross

        Catherine Ross answered on 13 Jun 2016:

        I love my job!

        I do a lot of other things outside of work which makes my job more enjoyable too. I represent all of the other Cardiac Scientists in the Uk on the Professional body (which is the governing body for all of Cardiac Science) so I get to travel to London a lot and speak at conferences and meet lots of other scientists.
        I also attend the Science Council in London which is great fun as I get to chat to lots and lots of other scientists and find out about their jobs too.

      • Photo: Melissa Ladyman

        Melissa Ladyman answered on 13 Jun 2016:

        I really do love my job. Even though sometimes it’s hard. But I think the best bits are when you finally do the thing that was really difficult- like making a new lesson, or figuring out how to do a certain experiment. I have to agree with everyone else though- there are too many forms to fill in!
