• Question: Have you envented enething

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      Asked by 982merf48 to Waqar, Angus on 12 Jun 2016.
      • Photo: Angus Cook

        Angus Cook answered on 12 Jun 2016:

        I’ve not really invented anything new. Though I do tend to use bits of lab equipment in ways that they’re not originally designed for.

        I use a robot that was originally designed to move large samples of liquid, but I’ve now programmed it to put down tiny droplets in a big grid instead.
        I’ve also used a document scanner (like you might find on your printer) to take images of my metal samples as they’re corroding. It turns out that scanners work just as well upside down compared to the right way up.

      • Photo: Waqar Ahmed

        Waqar Ahmed answered on 13 Jun 2016:

        I’m working with a team to invent hospital devices that help doctors to tell if a person has a disease or not.
